package aoc.day22 import aoc._ import scala.collection.mutable case class Point3(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): def min(other: Point3) = Point3(x.min(other.x), y.min(other.y), z.min(other.z)) def max(other: Point3) = Point3(x.max(other.x), y.max(other.y), z.max(other.z)) def to2D = (x, y) case class Brick private (index: Int, low: Point3, high: Point3): inline def height = high.z - low.z + 1 def to2D = (low.to2D, high.to2D) object Brick: private var index = 0 def fromPoints(a: Point3, b: Point3) = index += 1 Brick(index, a.min(b), a.max(b)) object Parser extends CommonParser: val point3 = num ~ "," ~ num ~ "," ~ num ^^ { case x ~ _ ~ y ~ _ ~ z => Point3(x, y, z) } val brick = point3 ~ "~" ~ point3 ^^ { case a ~ _ ~ b => Brick.fromPoints(a, b) } val bricks = lines .map(Parser.parse(Parser.brick, _).get) .toSeq // part 1 class Space: case class Cell(height: Int, occupied: Int /* index of the occupied brick */ ) val space = mutable.Map.empty[(Int, Int), Cell] // Override a brick falling and returns the height and unique brick that holds it, if it exists. def overrideBrick(b: Brick): (Int, Option[Int]) = // the space covered is val covered = (b.low.x to b.high.x).flatMap(x => (b.low.y to b.high.y).map((x, _))) // get the maximum height occupied val pastCells = covered.flatMap(space.get(_)) val maxHeight = assert(maxHeight <= b.low.z) // update space covered.foreach(space.update(_, Cell(maxHeight + b.height, b.index))) // get the ones held val res = pastCells.filter(_.height == maxHeight).map(_.occupied).toSet.toSeq match case Seq(idx) => Some(idx) case _ => None (maxHeight, res) // sort bricks by low z val sortedBricks = bricks.sortBy(_.low.z) def part1() = val space = Space() val holdingBricks = sortedBricks.foldLeft(Set.empty[Int])(_ ++ space.overrideBrick(_)._2) println(bricks.size - holdingBricks.size) def part2() = extension (bs: Iterator[Brick]) def heights = val space = Space() => (b -> space.overrideBrick(b)._1)).toMap extension (bm: Map[Brick, Int]) inline def countDifferences(original: Map[Brick, Int]) = bm.count((b, h) => h != original(b)) val original = sortedBricks.iterator.heights val res = bricks .map: exclude => sortedBricks.iterator .filter(_ != exclude) .heights .countDifferences(original) .sum println(res) @main def Day22(part: Int) = part match case 1 => part1() case 2 => part2()