2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
{ lib
, writeTextDir
, formats
, kak-lsp
, # LSP packages
, gopls
, nil
, nixpkgs-fmt
, python311Packages
, ltex-ls
, nodePackages
, tailwindcss-language-server
, fsautocomplete
, metals
, texlab
, marksman
, rust-analyzer
, ...
# Configuration for kak-lsp
config = {
languageIDs = {
c = "c_cpp";
cpp = "c_cpp";
javascript = "javascriptreact";
typescript = "typescriptreact";
protobuf = "proto";
sh = "shellscript";
languageServers =
vscodeServerOf = name: {
name = "vscode-${name}-language-server";
value = {
args = [ "--stdio" ];
command = "vscode-${name}-language-server";
filetypes = [ name "templ" ];
roots = [ "package.json" ".git" ];
2024-11-04 13:48:54 +00:00
package = nodePackages.vscode-langservers-extracted;
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
ccls = {
args = [ "-v=2" "-log-file=/tmp/ccls.log" ];
package = ccls;
command = "ccls";
filetypes = [ "c" "cpp" ];
roots = [ "compile_commands.json" ".cquery" ".git" ];
gopls = {
command = "gopls";
package = gopls;
filetypes = [ "go" ];
offset_encoding = "utf-8";
roots = [ "Gopkg.toml" "go.mod" ".git" ".hg" ];
settings = { gopls = { hoverKind = "SynopsisDocumentation"; semanticTokens = true; }; };
settings_section = "gopls";
haskell-language-server = {
args = [ "--lsp" ];
command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper";
filetypes = [ "haskell" ];
roots = [ "Setup.hs" "stack.yaml" "*.cabal" "package.yaml" ];
settings_section = "haskell";
nil = {
command = "nil";
package = nil;
filetypes = [ "nix" ];
roots = [ "flake.nix" "shell.nix" ".git" ];
settings.nil = {
formatting.command = [ "${lib.getExe nixpkgs-fmt}" ];
pylsp = {
command = "pylsp";
package = python311Packages.python-lsp-server;
filetypes = [ "python" ];
offset_encoding = "utf-8";
roots = [ "requirements.txt" "setup.py" ".git" ".hg" ];
# Spellchecking server
ltex-ls = {
command = "ltex-ls";
args = [ "--log-file=/tmp" ];
filetypes = [ "latex" "typst" ];
roots = [ "main.tex" "main.typ" ".git" ];
package = ltex-ls;
tailwind = {
command = "tailwindcss-language-server";
args = [ "--stdio" ];
filetypes = [ "html" "css" "javascript" "typescript" "templ" ];
roots = [ "tailwind.config.{js,cjs,mjs,ts}" "package.json" ".git" ];
settings_section = "tailwindCSS";
settings.tailwindCSS = {
validate = "warning";
userLanguages.templ = "html";
package = tailwindcss-language-server;
elixir-ls = {
args = [ ];
command = "elixir-ls";
filetypes = [ "elixir" ];
roots = [ "mix.exs" ];
typescript-language-server = {
args = [ "--stdio" ];
command = "typescript-language-server";
filetypes = [ "typescript" "javascript" ];
roots = [ "package.json" ];
package = nodePackages.typescript-language-server;
fsautocomplete = {
args = [ "--adaptive-lsp-server-enabled" "--project-graph-enabled" "--source-text-factory" "RoslynSourceText" ];
command = "fsautocomplete";
filetypes = [ "fsharp" ];
roots = [ "*.fsproj" ];
settings_section = "FSharp";
settings.FSharp = {
AutomaticWorkspaceInit = true;
package = fsautocomplete;
metals = {
command = "metals";
filetypes = [ "scala" ];
2024-11-29 13:48:09 +00:00
roots = [ "build.sbt" "build.sc" "build.mill" ];
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
settings_section = "metals";
settings.metals = {
enableSemanticHighlighting = true;
showInferredType = true;
decorationProvider = true;
inlineDecorationProvider = true;
# From kakoune-lsp's own options
icons = "unicode";
isHttpEnabled = true;
statusBarProvider = "log-message";
compilerOptions = { overrideDefFormat = "unicode"; };
package = metals;
texlab = {
command = "texlab";
filetypes = [ "latex" ];
roots = [ "main.tex" "all.tex" ".git" ];
settings_section = "texlab";
settings.texlab = {
build.executable = "latexmk";
build.args = [ "-pdf" "-shell-escape" "-interaction=nonstopmode" "-synctex=1" "%f" ];
build.forwardSearchAfter = true;
build.onSave = true;
# forwardSearch =
# (if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then {
# executable = "/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline";
# args = [ "-r" "-g" "%l" "%p" "%f" ];
# } else
# {
# executable = "${pkgs.zathura}/bin/zathura";
# args = [ "--synctex-forward" "%l:1:%f" "%p" "-x" "${./kaktex} jump %%{input} %%{line} %%{column}" ];
# });
package = texlab;
typst-lsp = {
command = "typst-lsp";
filetypes = [ "typst" ];
roots = [ "main.typ" ".git" ];
settings_section = "typst-lsp";
settings.typst-lsp = {
experimentalFormatterMode = "on";
marksman = {
command = "marksman";
filetypes = [ "markdown" ];
roots = [ ".marksman.toml" ".git" ];
package = marksman;
rust-analyzer = {
args = [ ];
command = "rust-analyzer";
filetypes = [ "rust" ];
roots = [ "Cargo.toml" ];
package = rust-analyzer;
} // (builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map vscodeServerOf [ "html" "css" "json" ]));
faces = [
## Items
# (Rust) Macros
{ face = "attribute"; token = "attribute"; }
{ face = "attribute"; token = "derive"; }
{ face = "macro"; token = "macro"; } # Function-like Macro
# Keyword and Fixed Tokens
{ face = "keyword"; token = "keyword"; }
{ face = "operator"; token = "operator"; }
# Functions and Methods
{ face = "function"; token = "function"; }
{ face = "method"; token = "method"; }
# Constants
{ face = "string"; token = "string"; }
{ face = "format_specifier"; token = "formatSpecifier"; }
# Variables
{ face = "variable"; token = "variable"; modifiers = [ "readonly" ]; }
{ face = "mutable_variable"; token = "variable"; }
{ face = "module"; token = "namespace"; }
{ face = "variable"; token = "type_parameter"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "enum"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "struct"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "trait"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "union"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "class"; }
## Comments
{ face = "documentation"; token = "comment"; modifiers = [ "documentation" ]; }
{ face = "comment"; token = "comment"; }
# Typst
{ face = "header"; token = "heading"; }
{ face = "ts_markup_link_url"; token = "link"; }
{ face = "ts_markup_link_uri"; token = "ref"; }
{ face = "ts_markup_link_label"; token = "label"; }
{ face = "ts_property"; token = "pol"; }
{ face = "ts_markup_list_checked"; token = "marker"; }
{ face = "ts_constant_builtin_boolean"; token = "bool"; }
{ face = "ts_keyword_control"; token = "delim"; }
{ face = "ts_number"; token = "text"; modifiers = [ "math" ]; }
{ face = "ts_markup_bold"; token = "text"; modifiers = [ "strong" ]; }
{ face = "ts_markup_italic"; token = "text"; modifiers = [ "emph" ]; }
raw = {
server = { timeout = 1800; };
snippet_support = false;
verbosity = 255;
kak-lsp-config =
toml = formats.toml { };
2024-10-07 19:11:48 +00:00
toLspConfig = builtins.mapAttrs (_: attrs: builtins.removeAttrs attrs [ "package" ]);
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
toml.generate "kak-lsp.toml" ({
semantic_tokens.faces = config.faces;
language_server = toLspConfig config.languageServers;
language_ids = config.languageIDs;
} // config.raw);
serverPackages =
builtins.filter (v: v != null)
(lib.mapAttrsToList (_: serv: serv.package or null) config.languageServers);
extraPaths = lib.makeBinPath serverPackages;
plugin = writeTextDir "share/kak/autoload/kak-lsp.kak" ''
hook global KakBegin .* %{
try %{
2024-10-07 19:11:48 +00:00
eval %sh{${lib.getExe kak-lsp} --kakoune --config ${kak-lsp-config} -s $kak_session}
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
2024-10-07 19:11:48 +00:00
map global lsp N -docstring "Display the next message request" ": lsp-show-message-request-next<ret>"
map global normal <c-l> ": enter-user-mode lsp<ret>"
map global normal <c-h> ": lsp-hover<ret>"
map global normal <c-s-h> ": lsp-hover-buffer<ret>"
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
# lsp-auto-hover-insert-mode-enable
2024-10-07 19:11:48 +00:00
set global lsp_hover_anchor true
2024-10-07 12:30:47 +00:00
map global insert <tab> '<a-;>:try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global object a '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object <a-a> '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object f '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Function Method<ret>' -docstring 'LSP function or method'
map global object t '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Class Interface Struct<ret>' -docstring 'LSP class interface or struct'
map global object d '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object --include-warnings<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors and warnings'
map global object D '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors'
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(racket|rust|python|go|javascript|typescript|c|cpp|tex|latex|haskell|nix|fsharp|templ) %{
# Format the document if possible
hook window BufWritePre .* %{ lsp-formatting-sync }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|scala|fsharp) %{
# Enable inlay hints
lsp-inlay-hints-enable window
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|go|fsharp|typst|scala) %{
hook window -group semantic-tokens BufReload .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens NormalIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens InsertIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window semantic-tokens