Move kakoune to a full-fledged package #4

nki wants to merge 42 commits from kakoune-package into master
7 changed files with 314 additions and 9 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 53cafeb021 - Show all commits

View file

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ let
meta.mainProgram = "kak-tree-sitter";

View file

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
{ callPackage, kakoune, kakoune-unwrapped, ... }:
lsp = callPackage ./lsp.nix { };
tree-sitter = callPackage ./tree-sitter { };
rc = (callPackage ./rc.nix {
prependRc = tree-sitter.rc;
(kakoune.override {
plugins = callPackage ./plugins.nix { }
++ callPackage ./themes.nix { }
++ [
(callPackage ./kaktex { })
(callPackage ./rc.nix { })
}).overrideAttrs (attrs: {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
# Enable kak-tree-sitter
eval %sh{test -z "$WE_STARTED_KAK" && kak-tree-sitter --kakoune -d --server --init $kak_session}
map global normal <c-t> ": enter-user-mode tree-sitter<ret>"
# ## Set some color overrides
# set global kts_yellow "rgb:e2b75e"
# set global kts_teal "rgb:008080"

View file

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
{ lib, fish, writeScript, writeTextDir, ... }:
{ lib
, fish
, writeScript
, writeTextDir
, prependRc ? ""
, appendRc ? ""
, ...
source-pwd = writeScript "source-pwd" ''
@ -8,7 +15,9 @@ let
writeTextDir "share/kak/kakrc.local" ''
${builtins.readFile ./kakrc}
# Source any settings in the current working directory,
# recursive upwards

View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
{ lib
, callPackage
, formats
, runCommandLocal
, kak-tree-sitter
, ...
utils = callPackage ../utils.nix { };
grammars = (callPackage ./grammars.nix { }).grammars;
# Highlighter groups to add to the `highlighterGroups`. Maps from group names to face names.
highlighterGroups = {
attribute = "@attribute";
comment = "@comment";
conceal = "%opt{mauve}+i";
constant = "%opt{peach}";
constant_builtin_boolean = "%opt{sky}";
constant_character = "%opt{yellow}";
constant_macro = "%opt{mauve}";
constant_numeric = "%opt{peach}";
constructor = "%opt{sapphire}";
diff_plus = "%opt{green}";
diff_minus = "%opt{red}";
diff_delta = "%opt{blue}";
diff_delta_moved = "%opt{mauve}";
error = "%opt{red}+b";
function = "@function";
function_builtin = "@builtin";
function_macro = "+i@ts_function";
hint = "%opt{blue}+b";
info = "%opt{green}+b";
keyword = "keyword";
keyword_conditional = "+i@ts_keyword";
keyword_control_conditional = "+i@ts_keyword";
keyword_control_directive = "+i@ts_keyword";
keyword_control_import = "+i@ts_keyword";
keyword_directive = "+i@ts_keyword";
label = "%opt{sapphire}+i";
markup_bold = "%opt{peach}+b";
markup_heading = "%opt{red}";
markup_heading_1 = "%opt{red}";
markup_heading_2 = "%opt{mauve}";
markup_heading_3 = "%opt{green}";
markup_heading_4 = "%opt{yellow}";
markup_heading_5 = "%opt{pink}";
markup_heading_6 = "%opt{teal}";
markup_heading_marker = "%opt{peach}+b";
markup_italic = "%opt{pink}+i";
markup_list_checked = "%opt{green}";
markup_list_numbered = "%opt{blue}+i";
markup_list_unchecked = "%opt{teal}";
markup_list_unnumbered = "%opt{mauve}";
markup_link_label = "%opt{blue}";
markup_link_url = "%opt{teal}+u";
markup_link_uri = "%opt{teal}+u";
markup_link_text = "%opt{blue}";
markup_quote = "%opt{crust}";
markup_raw = "%opt{sky}";
markup_raw_block = "%opt{sky}";
markup_raw_inline = "%opt{green}";
markup_strikethrough = "%opt{crust}+s";
namespace = "@module";
operator = "@operator";
property = "%opt{sky}";
punctuation = "%opt{overlay2}";
punctuation_special = "%opt{sky}";
special = "%opt{blue}";
spell = "%opt{mauve}";
string = "%opt{green}";
string_regex = "%opt{peach}";
string_regexp = "%opt{peach}";
string_escape = "%opt{mauve}";
string_special = "%opt{blue}";
string_special_path = "%opt{green}";
string_special_symbol = "%opt{mauve}";
string_symbol = "%opt{red}";
tag = "%opt{teal}";
tag_error = "%opt{red}";
text_title = "%opt{mauve}";
type = "@type";
type_enum_variant = "+i@ts_type";
variable = "@variable";
variable_builtin = "@builtin";
variable_other_member = "%opt{teal}";
variable_parameter = "+i@variable";
warning = "%opt{peach}+b";
# Highlighter groups to be aliased by other groups
aliases = {
comment_block = "comment";
comment_line = "comment";
constant_character_escape = "constant_character";
constant_numeric_float = "constant_numeric";
constant_numeric_integer = "constant_numeric";
function_method = "function";
function_special = "function";
keyword_control = "keyword";
keyword_control_repeat = "keyword";
keyword_control_return = "keyword";
keyword_control_except = "keyword";
keyword_control_exception = "keyword";
keyword_function = "keyword";
keyword_operator = "keyword";
keyword_special = "keyword";
keyword_storage = "keyword";
keyword_storage_modifier = "keyword";
keyword_storage_modifier_mut = "keyword";
keyword_storage_modifier_ref = "keyword";
keyword_storage_type = "keyword";
punctuation_bracket = "punctuation";
punctuation_delimiter = "punctuation";
text = "string";
type_builtin = "type";
# Scala stuff
method = "function";
module = "namespace";
function_call = "function";
method_call = "method";
boolean = "constant_builtin_boolean";
number = "constant_numeric";
float = "constant_numeric_float";
type_qualifier = "keyword_special";
storageclass = "keyword_storage_modifier";
conditional = "keyword_conditional";
include = "keyword_control_import";
configDir =
toScm = name: lib.concatStringsSep "." (lib.splitString "_" name);
toml = formats.toml { };
file =
toml.generate "config.toml" {
highlight.groups = toScm (builtins.attrNames highlighterGroups ++ builtins.attrNames aliases);
features = {
highlighting = true;
text_objects = true;
language = grammars;
runCommandLocal "kak-tree-sitter-config" { } ''
mkdir -p $out/kak-tree-sitter
ln -s ${file} $out/kak-tree-sitter/config.toml
extraFaces =
toTs = name: "ts_${lib.concatStringsSep "_" (lib.splitString "." name)}";
definedFaces = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value: { inherit value; name = toTs name; }) highlighterGroups;
aliasFaces = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value: { name = toTs name; value = "@${toTs value}"; }) aliases;
faces = lib.recursiveUpdate definedFaces aliasFaces;
rc = ''
# Enable kak-tree-sitter
eval %sh{env XDG_CONFIG_DIR=${configDir} ${lib.getExe' kak-tree-sitter "kak-tree-sitter"} --kakoune -d --server --init $kak_session}
map global normal <c-t> ": enter-user-mode tree-sitter<ret>"
plugin = utils.mkFacesScript "kak-tree-sitter" extraFaces;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, runCommandLocal, ... }:
mkGrammarPackage =
{ name
, src
, grammarPath ? "src"
, grammarCompileArgs ? [ "-O3" "-c" "-fpic" "../parser.c" "../scanner.c" "-I" ".." ]
, grammarLinkArgs ? [ "-shared" "-fpic" "parser.o" "scanner.o" ]
, ...
}: stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit src;
name = "kak-tree-sitter-grammar-${name}";
version = "latest";
buildPhase = ''
mkdir ${grammarPath}/build
cd ${grammarPath}/build
$CC ${lib.concatStringsSep " " grammarCompileArgs}
$CC ${lib.concatStringsSep " " grammarLinkArgs} -o ${name}.so
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
cp ${name}.so $out
mkGrammar =
args @ { name
, src
, grammarPath ? "src"
, grammarCompileArgs ? [ "-O3" "-c" "-fpic" "../parser.c" "../scanner.c" "-I" ".." ]
, grammarLinkArgs ? [ "-shared" "-fpic" "parser.o" "scanner.o" ]
, querySrc ? src
, queryPath ? "runtime/queries/${name}"
}: {
grammar.source.local.path = "${mkGrammarPackage args}";
queries.source.local.path = querySrc;
queries.path = queryPath;
tree-sitter-go = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tree-sitter";
repo = "tree-sitter-go";
rev = "v0.20.0";
hash = "sha256-G7d8CHCyKDAb9j6ijRfHk/HlgPqSI+uvkuRIRRvjkHI=";
grammars = builtins.mapAttrs (name: value: mkGrammar ({ inherit name; } // value)) {
scala = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tree-sitter";
repo = "tree-sitter-scala";
rev = "70afdd5632d57dd63a960972ab25945e353a52f6";
hash = "sha256-bi0Lqo/Zs2Uaz1efuKAARpEDg5Hm59oUe7eSXgL1Wow=";
queryPath = "queries/scala";
haskell = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tree-sitter";
repo = "tree-sitter-haskell";
rev = "ba0bfb0e5d8e9e31c160d287878c6f26add3ec08";
hash = "sha256-ZSOF0CLOn82GwU3xgvFefmh/AD2j5zz8I0t5YPwfan0=";
grammarCompileArgs = [ "-O3" "-c" "-fpic" "../parser.c" "../scanner.c" "../unicode.h" "-I" ".." ];
queryPath = "queries";
yaml = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ikatyang";
repo = "tree-sitter-yaml";
rev = "0e36bed171768908f331ff7dff9d956bae016efb";
hash = "sha256-bpiT3FraOZhJaoiFWAoVJX1O+plnIi8aXOW2LwyU23M=";
grammarCompileArgs = [ "-c" "-fpic" "../" "../parser.c" "-I" ".." ];
grammarLinkArgs = [ "-lstdc++" "-shared" "-fpic" "scanner.o" "parser.o" ];
querySrc = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "helix-editor";
repo = "helix";
rev = "dbd248fdfa680373d94fbc10094a160aafa0f7a7";
hash = "sha256-wk8qVUDFXhAOi1Ibc6iBMzDCXb6t+YiWZcTd0IJybqc=";
templ = rec {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "vrischmann";
repo = "tree-sitter-templ";
rev = "044ad200092170727650fa6d368df66a8da98f9d";
hash = "sha256-hJuB3h5pp+LLfP0/7bAYH0uLVo+OQk5jpzJb3J9BNkY=";
querySrc = runCommandLocal "templ-tree-sitter-queries" { } ''
mkdir -p $out/queries
# copy most stuff from tree-sitter-templ
install -m644 ${src}/queries/templ/* $out/queries
# override inherited files
cat ${tree-sitter-go}/queries/highlights.scm ${src}/queries/templ/highlights.scm > $out/queries/highlights.scm
queryPath = "queries";
go = {
src = tree-sitter-go;
grammarCompileArgs = [ "-O3" "-c" "-fpic" "../parser.c" "-I" ".." ];
grammarLinkArgs = [ "-shared" "-fpic" "parser.o" ];
queryPath = "queries";
hylo = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "natsukagami";
repo = "tree-sitter-hylo";
rev = "494cbdff0d13cbc67348316af2efa0286dbddf6f";
hash = "sha256-R5UeoglCTl0do3VDJ/liCTeqbxU9slvmVKNRA/el2VY=";
grammarCompileArgs = [ "-O3" "-c" "-fpic" "../parser.c" "-I" ".." ];
grammarLinkArgs = [ "-shared" "-fpic" "parser.o" ];
queryPath = "queries";

View file

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{ lib, writeFile, ... }: {
mkFacesScript = name: faces: writeFile "${name}-faces.kak" (
lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.attrValues (builtins.mapAttrs (name: face: "face global ${name} \"${face}\"") faces))
{ lib, writeTextDir, ... }: {
mkFacesScript = name: faces: writeTextDir "share/kak/autoload/${name}/faces.kak" ''
hook global KakBegin .* {
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (builtins.attrValues (builtins.mapAttrs (name: face: " face global ${name} \"${face}\"") faces))}