#!/usr/bin/env sh cat <<-EOF VERSION=latest EXTERNAL_URL=_CHANGE_ME_ DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL=_CHANGE_ME_ DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 12) GUARDIAN_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 48) SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(openssl rand -base64 48) LIVE_VIEW_SIGNING_SALT=$(openssl rand -base64 24) COOKIE_SIGNING_SALT=$(openssl rand -base64 6) COOKIE_ENCRYPTION_SALT=$(openssl rand -base64 6) DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32) DATABASE_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 12) # The ability to change the IPv4 and IPv6 address pool will be removed # in a future Firezone release in order to reduce the possible combinations # of network configurations we need to handle. # # Due to the above, we recommend not changing these unless absolutely # necessary. WIREGUARD_IPV4_NETWORK= WIREGUARD_IPV4_ADDRESS= WIREGUARD_IPV6_NETWORK=fd00::/106 WIREGUARD_IPV6_ADDRESS=fd00::1 EOF