{ config, lib, ... }: with { inherit (lib) mkOption types mkIf; }; let cfg = config.services.nix-build-farm; hosts = import ./hosts.nix; build-user = "nix-builder"; isBuilder = host: host ? "builder"; allBuilders = lib.filterAttrs (_: isBuilder) hosts; in { options.services.nix-build-farm = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Whether to enable nix-build-farm as a client"; }; hostname = mkOption { type = types.enum (builtins.attrNames hosts); description = "The hostname as listed in ./hosts.nix file"; }; privateKeyFile = mkOption { type = types.path; description = "The path to the private SSH key file"; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable ( let host = hosts.${cfg.hostname}; otherHosts = lib.filterAttrs (name: _: name != cfg.hostname) hosts; otherBuilders = lib.filterAttrs (name: _: name != cfg.hostname) allBuilders; in { nix.distributedBuilds = true; nix.buildMachines = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: host: { hostName = host.host; sshUser = build-user; sshKey = cfg.privateKeyFile; } // host.builder) otherBuilders; users = mkIf (isBuilder host) { users.${build-user} = { description = "Nix build farm user"; group = build-user; isNormalUser = true; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = lib.mapAttrsToList (_: host: ''from="${host.host}" ${host.pubKey}'') otherHosts; }; groups.${build-user} = { }; }; nix.settings.trusted-users = mkIf (isBuilder host) [ build-user ]; } ); }