alias sue="pls -e" function pls set -l cmd "`"(string join " " -- $argv)"`" echo "I-It's not like I'm gonna run "$cmd" for you or a-anything! Baka >:C" >&2 # Send a notification on password prompt if /usr/bin/sudo -vn 2>/dev/null # nothing to do, user already authenticated else # throw a notification # notify-send -t 3000 -u critical -i ~/Downloads/harukablush.jpg -h "STRING:command:"$cmd "A-a command requires your p-password" (printf "I-I need your p-password to r-run the following c-command: %s" $cmd) end /usr/bin/sudo $argv end function sudo echo "Not polite enough." end function __fish_prepend_pls -d "Prepend 'pls ' to the beginning of the current commandline" # If there is no commandline, insert the last item from history # and *then* toggle if not commandline | string length -q commandline -r "$history[1]" end set -l cmd (commandline -po) set -l cursor (commandline -C) if test "$cmd[1]" = e commandline -C 0 commandline -i "su" commandline -C (math $cursor + 2) else if test "$cmd[1]" = sue commandline -r (string sub --start=3 (commandline -p)) commandline -C -- (math $cursor - 2) else if test "$cmd[1]" != pls commandline -C 0 commandline -i "pls " commandline -C (math $cursor + 4) else commandline -r (string sub --start=5 (commandline -p)) commandline -C -- (math $cursor - 4) end end bind --preset -e -M insert \es bind -M insert \es __fish_prepend_pls function __fish_man_page # Get all commandline tokens not starting with "-" set -l args (commandline -po | string match -rv '^-') # If commandline is empty, exit. if not set -q args[1] printf \a return end #Skip `pls` and display then manpage of following command while set -q args[2] and string match -qr -- '^(pls|.*=.*)$' $args[1] set -e args[1] end # If there are at least two tokens not starting with "-", the second one might be a subcommand. # Try "man first-second" and fall back to "man first" if that doesn't work out. set -l maincmd (basename $args[1]) if set -q args[2] # HACK: If stderr is not attached to a terminal `less` (the default pager) # wouldn't use the alternate screen. # But since we don't know what pager it is, and because `man` is totally underspecified, # the best we can do is to *try* the man page, and assume that `man` will return false if it fails. # See #7863. if man "$maincmd-$args[2]" &>/dev/null man "$maincmd-$args[2]" else if man "$maincmd" &>/dev/null man "$maincmd" else printf \a end else if man "$maincmd" &>/dev/null man "$maincmd" else printf \a end end commandline -f repaint end # # Completion for pls # function __fish_pls_print_remaining_args set -l tokens (commandline -opc) (commandline -ct) set -e tokens[1] # These are all the options mentioned in the man page for Todd Miller's "" pls (in that order). # If any other implementation has different options, this should be harmless, since they shouldn't be used anyway. set -l opts A/askpass b/background C/close-from= E/preserve-env='?' # Note that "-h" is both "--host" (which takes an option) and "--help" (which doesn't). # But `-h` as `--help` only counts when it's the only argument (`pls -h`), # so any argument completion after that should take it as "--host". set -a opts e/edit g/group= H/set-home h/host= 1-help set -a opts i/login K/remove-timestamp k/reset-timestamp l/list n/non-interactive set -a opts P/preserve-groups p/prompt= S/stdin s/shell U/other-user= set -a opts u/user= T/command-timeout= V/version v/validate argparse -s $opts -- $tokens 2>/dev/null # The remaining argv is the subcommand with all its options, which is what # we want. if test -n "$argv" and not string match -qr '^-' $argv[1] string join0 -- $argv return 0 else return 1 end end function __fish_pls_no_subcommand not __fish_pls_print_remaining_args >/dev/null end function __fish_complete_pls_subcommand set -l args (__fish_pls_print_remaining_args | string split0) set -lx -a PATH /usr/local/sbin /sbin /usr/sbin __fish_complete_subcommand --commandline $args end # All these options should be valid for GNU and OSX pls complete -c pls -n __fish_no_arguments -s h -d "Display help and exit" complete -c pls -n __fish_no_arguments -s V -d "Display version information and exit" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s A -d "Ask for password via the askpass or \$SSH_ASKPASS program" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s C -d "Close all file descriptors greater or equal to the given number" -xa "0 1 2 255" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s E -d "Preserve environment" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s H -d "Set home" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s K -d "Remove the credential timestamp entirely" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s P -d "Preserve group vector" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s S -d "Read password from stdin" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s b -d "Run command in the background" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s e -rF -d Edit complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s g -a "(__fish_complete_groups)" -x -d "Run command as group" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s i -d "Run a login shell" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s k -d "Reset or ignore the credential timestamp" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s l -d "List the allowed and forbidden commands for the given user" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s n -d "Do not prompt for a password - if one is needed, fail" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s p -d "Specify a custom password prompt" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s s -d "Run the given command in a shell" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s u -a "(__fish_complete_users)" -x -d "Run command as user" complete -c pls -n __fish_pls_no_subcommand -s v -n __fish_no_arguments -d "Validate the credentials, extending timeout" # Complete the command we are executed under pls complete -c pls -x -n 'not __fish_seen_argument -s e' -a "(__fish_complete_pls_subcommand)"