{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { imports = [ # Common configuration ./common.nix # osu! ./osu.nix ]; # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the # paths it should manage. home.username = "nki"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/nki"; # More packages home.packages = (with pkgs; [ # CLI stuff zip # TeX texlive.combined.scheme-full inkscape # for TeX svg # Gaming stuff wineWowPackages.full # wine-lol winetricks lutris steam # Manage tlmc flacon ttaenc picard ]); # Enable X11 configuration linux.graphical.type = "wayland"; linux.graphical.wallpaper = ./images/pixiv_18776904.png; linux.graphical.defaults.webBrowser.package = pkgs.zen-browser-bin; linux.graphical.defaults.webBrowser.desktopFile = "zen.desktop"; programs.my-sway.enable = true; programs.my-sway.fontSize = 15.0; programs.my-sway.enableLaptop = true; programs.my-waybar.enableMpd = true; # Keyboard options wayland.windowManager.sway.config.input."type:keyboard".xkb_layout = "jp"; wayland.windowManager.sway.config.input."type:pointer".accel_profile = "flat"; # 144hz adaptive refresh ON! nki.programs.kitty.enable = true; nki.programs.kitty.fontSize = 14; programs.my-waybar.makeBars = with config.common.monitors; barWith: [ # For primary (barWith { extraSettings = { output = [ home_4k.meta.connection ]; }; }) # For secondary, hide mpd (barWith { showMedia = false; showConnectivity = false; extraSettings = { output = [ home_1440.meta.connection ]; }; }) ]; # Yellow light! services.wlsunset = { enable = true; # # Waterloo # latitude = "43.3"; # longitude = "-80.3"; # Lausanne latitude = "46.31"; longitude = "6.38"; }; # mpd stuff services.mpd.musicDirectory = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/Music"; services.mpd-discord-rpc.enable = true; services.mpd-mpris.enable = true; # ncmpcpp programs.ncmpcpp.enable = true; programs.ncmpcpp.bindings = [ { key = "j"; command = "scroll_down"; } { key = "k"; command = "scroll_up"; } { key = "J"; command = [ "select_item" "scroll_down" ]; } { key = "K"; command = [ "select_item" "scroll_up" ]; } ]; programs.ncmpcpp.settings = { # General colors_enabled = "yes"; enable_window_title = "yes"; main_window_color = "default"; execute_on_song_change = "${pkgs.libnotify}/bin/notify-send 'Now Playing' \"$(${pkgs.mpc_cli}/bin/mpc --format '%title% \\n%artist%' current)\""; autocenter_mode = "yes"; centered_cursor = "yes"; user_interface = "classic"; # Progess Bar progressbar_look = "━━╸"; progressbar_color = "white"; progressbar_elapsed_color = "green"; # UI Visibility # header_visibility = "no"; # statusbar_visibility = "no"; # titles_visibility = "no"; startup_screen = "playlist"; #startup_slave_screen = "visualizer" locked_screen_width_part = 50; ask_for_locked_screen_width_part = "no"; # UI Appearance now_playing_prefix = "$b$3"; now_playing_suffix = "$/b$9"; song_status_format = "$7%t"; song_list_format = "$8%a - %t$R $5%l"; song_columns_list_format = "(3f)[green]{} (60)[magenta]{t|f:Title} (1)[]{}"; song_library_format = "{{%a - %t} (%b)}|{%f}"; song_window_title_format = "Music"; # Visualizer visualizer_in_stereo = "no"; visualizer_type = "ellipse"; visualizer_fps = "60"; visualizer_look = "●●"; visualizer_color = "33,39,63,75,81,99,117,153,189"; }; services.mpris-proxy.enable = true; # linux.graphical.x11.hidpi = true; # linux.graphical.x11.enablei3 = true; # This value determines the Home Manager release that your # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards # incompatible changes. # # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version # changes in each release. home.stateVersion = "21.05"; }