{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let port = 61001; user = "matrix-synapse"; host = "m.dtth.ch"; app_services = [ config.sops.secrets."matrix-synapse-dtth/appservice-discord".path ]; in { sops.secrets."matrix-synapse-dtth/oidc-config".owner = user; sops.secrets."matrix-synapse-dtth/appservice-discord".owner = user; sops.secrets.matrix-discord-bridge = { mode = "0644"; }; cloud.postgresql.databases = [ user ]; cloud.traefik.hosts.matrix-synapse = { inherit port; filter = "Host(`m.dtth.ch`) && (PathPrefix(`/_matrix`) || PathPrefix(`/_synapse/client`))"; }; cloud.traefik.hosts.matrix-synapse-delegation = { port = port + 1; filter = "Host(`dtth.ch`) && PathPrefix(`/.well-known/matrix`)"; }; # Synapse instance for DTTH systemd.services.matrix-synapse.requires = [ "postgresql.service" ]; services.matrix-synapse = { enable = true; withJemalloc = true; dataDir = "${config.fileSystems.data.mountPoint}/matrix-synapse-dtth"; settings = { server_name = "dtth.ch"; enable_registration = false; public_baseurl = "https://${host}/"; listeners = [{ inherit port; x_forwarded = true; tls = false; resources = [ { names = [ "client" "federation" ]; compress = false; } ]; }]; database = { name = "psycopg2"; args = { inherit user; database = user; host = "/var/run/postgresql"; }; }; dynamic_thumbnails = true; url_preview_enabled = true; url_preview_ip_range_blacklist = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "::1/128" "fe80::/10" "fc00::/7" "2001:db8::/32" "ff00::/8" "fec0::/10" ]; app_service_config_files = app_services; }; extraConfigFiles = [ (config.sops.secrets."matrix-synapse-dtth/oidc-config".path) ]; }; services.matrix-appservice-discord = { enable = true; environmentFile = config.sops.secrets.matrix-discord-bridge.path; settings.bridge = { domain = "dtth.ch"; homeserverUrl = "https://m.dtth.ch"; }; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts.synapse-dtth-wellknown = { listen = [{ addr = ""; port = port + 1; }]; # Check https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/blob/master/docs/configuring-well-known.md # for the file structure. root = pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "well-known-files-for-synapse"; paths = [ (pkgs.writeTextDir ".well-known/matrix/client" (builtins.toJSON { "m.homeserver".base_url = "https://${host}"; })) (pkgs.writeTextDir ".well-known/matrix/server" (builtins.toJSON { "m.server" = "${host}:443"; })) ]; }; # Enable CORS from anywhere since we want all clients to find us out extraConfig = '' add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "*"; ''; }; }