{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix # Set up cloud ../modules/cloud/authentik ../modules/cloud/firezone ../modules/cloud/postgresql ../modules/cloud/traefik ../modules/cloud/bitwarden ../modules/cloud/mail ../modules/cloud/conduit ../modules/cloud/gotosocial # Encrypted DNS ../modules/services/edns ./headscale.nix ./gitea.nix ./miniflux.nix ./writefreely.nix ./synapse.nix ./phanpy.nix ./invidious.nix ./owncast.nix ./peertube.nix ./outline.nix ./vikunja.nix ]; system.stateVersion = "21.11"; common.linux.enable = false; # Don't enable the "common linux" module, this is a special machine. # Personal user users.users.nki = { isNormalUser = true; createHome = true; extraGroups = [ "wheel" ]; group = "users"; uid = 1000; }; boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = true; networking.hostName = "nki-personal"; networking.firewall.allowPing = true; services.openssh.enable = true; services.openssh.settings.PasswordAuthentication = false; users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLr1Q+PJuDYJtBAVMSU0U2kZi4V0Z7dE+dpRxa4aEDupSlcPCwSEtcpNME1up7z0yxjcIHHkBYq0RobIaLqwEmntnZzz37jg/iiHwyZsN93jZljId1X0uykcMem4ljiqgmRg3Fs8RKj2+N1ovpIZVDOWINLJJDVJntNvwW/anSCtx27FATVdroHoiyXCwVknG6p3bHU5Nd3idRMn45kZ7Qf1J50XUhtu3ehIWI2/5nYIbi8WDnzY5vcRZEHROyTk2pv/m9rRkCTaGnUdZsv3wfxeeT3223k0mUfRfCsiPtNDGwXn66HcG2cmhrBIeDoZQe4XNkzspaaJ2+SGQfO8Zf natsukagami@gmail.com" ]; users.users.root.shell = pkgs.fish; programs.fish.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git htop-vim kakoune docker-compose ]; virtualisation.docker.enable = true; services.do-agent.enable = true; nix = { extraOptions = '' experimental-features = nix-command flakes ''; }; nki.services.edns.enable = true; nki.services.edns.ipv6 = true; # Secret management sops.defaultSopsFile = ./secrets/secrets.yaml; sops.age.sshKeyPaths = [ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" ]; # tinc services.my-tinc.enable = true; services.my-tinc.hostName = "cloud"; sops.secrets."tinc/rsa-private-key" = { }; sops.secrets."tinc/ed25519-private-key" = { }; services.my-tinc.rsaPrivateKey = config.sops.secrets."tinc/rsa-private-key".path; services.my-tinc.ed25519PrivateKey = config.sops.secrets."tinc/ed25519-private-key".path; sops.secrets."nix-build-farm/private-key" = { mode = "0400"; }; services.nix-build-farm.hostname = "home"; services.nix-build-farm.privateKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."nix-build-farm/private-key".path; # Set up traefik sops.secrets.cloudflare-dns-api-token = { owner = "traefik"; }; sops.secrets.traefik-dashboard-users = { owner = "traefik"; }; cloud.traefik.cloudflareKeyFile = config.sops.secrets.cloudflare-dns-api-token.path; cloud.traefik.dashboard = { enable = true; usersFile = config.sops.secrets.traefik-dashboard-users.path; }; cloud.traefik.certsDumper.enable = true; # Uptime-Kuma services.uptime-kuma = { enable = true; settings.HOST = ""; settings.PORT = "16904"; }; cloud.traefik.hosts.uptime-kuma = { host = "status.nkagami.me"; port = 16904; noCloudflare = true; }; cloud.traefik.hosts.uptime-kuma-dtth = { host = "status.dtth.ch"; port = 16904; }; cloud.traefik.hosts.uptime-kuma-codefun = { host = "status.codefun.vn"; port = 16904; }; # Bitwarden sops.secrets.vaultwarden-env = { }; cloud.bitwarden.envFile = config.sops.secrets.vaultwarden-env.path; # Arion virtualisation.arion.backend = "docker"; # Conduit sops.secrets.heisenbridge = { owner = "heisenbridge"; }; cloud.conduit.enable = true; cloud.conduit.instances = { "nkagami" = { host = "m.nkagami.me"; port = 6167; well-known_port = 6168; noCloudflare = true; }; }; cloud.conduit.heisenbridge = { enable = true; package = pkgs.heisenbridge.overrideAttrs (old: rec { version = "1.14.2"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "hifi"; repo = "heisenbridge"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-qp0LVcmWf5lZ52h0V58S6FoIM8RLOd6Y3FRb85j7KRg="; }; }); appserviceFile = config.sops.secrets.heisenbridge.path; homeserver = "https://m.nkagami.me"; }; # Navidrome back to the PC cloud.traefik.hosts.navidrome = { host = "navidrome.nkagami.me"; port = 4533; localHost = ""; noCloudflare = true; }; # Mail sops.secrets.mail-users = { owner = "maddy"; }; cloud.mail = { enable = true; debug = true; local_ip = config.secrets.ipAddresses."nki.personal"; tls.certFile = "${config.cloud.traefik.certsDumper.destination}/${config.cloud.mail.hostname}/certificate.crt"; tls.keyFile = "${config.cloud.traefik.certsDumper.destination}/${config.cloud.mail.hostname}/privatekey.key"; usersFile = config.sops.secrets.mail-users.path; }; # Youmubot sops.secrets.youmubot-env = { }; services.youmubot = { enable = true; package = pkgs.youmubot.override { enableCodeforces = false; }; envFile = config.sops.secrets.youmubot-env.path; }; # Authentik sops.secrets.authentik-env = { }; cloud.authentik.enable = true; cloud.authentik.envFile = config.sops.secrets.authentik-env.path; cloud.traefik.hosts.authentik = { host = "auth.dtth.ch"; port = config.cloud.authentik.port; }; # Firezone sops.secrets.firezone-env = { }; cloud.firezone.enable = true; cloud.firezone.envFile = config.sops.secrets.firezone-env.path; cloud.traefik.hosts.firezone = { host = "vpn.dtth.ch"; port = config.cloud.firezone.httpPort; localHost = ""; noCloudflare = true; }; cloud.traefik.hosts.firezone-vpn = { host = "vpn.dtth.ch"; port = config.cloud.firezone.wireguardPort; entrypoints = [ "wireguard" ]; protocol = "udp"; }; # GoToSocial sops.secrets.gts-env = { restartUnits = [ "gotosocial.service" ]; }; cloud.gotosocial = { enable = true; envFile = config.sops.secrets.gts-env.path; }; # ntfy cloud.traefik.hosts.ntfy-sh = { host = "ntfy.nkagami.me"; port = 11161; noCloudflare = true; }; services.ntfy-sh = { enable = true; settings = { listen-http = ""; cache-file = "/var/lib/ntfy-sh/cache.db"; auth-file = "/var/lib/ntfy-sh/auth.db"; auth-default-access = "deny-all"; behind-proxy = true; base-url = "https://ntfy.nkagami.me"; attachment-cache-dir = "/var/lib/ntfy-sh/attachments"; enable-login = true; enable-reservations = true; upstream-base-url = "https://ntfy.sh"; }; }; systemd.services.ntfy-sh.serviceConfig = { WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/ntfy-sh"; StateDirectory = "ntfy-sh"; }; systemd.services.ntfy-sh.preStart = '' mkdir -p /var/lib/ntfy-sh/attachments ''; }