{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let ipv6-rotator = let src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "iv-org"; repo = "smart-ipv6-rotator"; rev = "61c019c2b14304c2a111a6db4c492d10ab2308cf"; hash = "sha256-a4BQH2D7La51vdPqMQSlZB73twX9Zcjq8mxbT5SdCpo="; }; in pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "smart-ipv6-rotator"; runtimeInputs = [ (pkgs.python3.withPackages (p: with p; [ pyroute2 requests ])) ]; text = '' if [ -z "$IPV6_ROTATOR_RANGE" ]; then echo "Range required" exit 1 fi python3 ${src}/smart-ipv6-rotator.py "$@" --ipv6range="$IPV6_ROTATOR_RANGE" ''; }; in { sops.secrets."invidious" = { mode = "0444"; }; sops.secrets."invidious-rotator-env" = { mode = "0444"; }; cloud.postgresql.databases = [ "invidious" ]; cloud.traefik.hosts.invidious = { host = "invi.dtth.ch"; port = 61191; }; services.invidious = { enable = true; package = pkgs.unstable.invidious; domain = "invi.dtth.ch"; port = 61191; extraSettingsFile = config.sops.secrets.invidious.path; settings = { db.user = "invidious"; db.dbname = "invidious"; external_port = 443; https_only = true; hsts = false; registration_enabled = true; login_enabled = true; admins = [ "nki" ]; # video_loop = false; # autoplay = true; # continue = true; # continue_autoplay = true; # listen = false; # quality = "hd720"; # comments = [ "youtube" ]; # captions = [ "en" "vi" "de" "fr" ]; }; }; systemd.timers.smart-ipv6-rotator = { description = "Rotate ipv6 routes to Google"; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "*-*-* 00,06,12,18:00:00"; }; wantedBy = [ "invidious.service" ]; unitConfig = { }; }; systemd.services.smart-ipv6-rotator = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = "${ipv6-rotator}/bin/smart-ipv6-rotator run"; EnvironmentFile = [ config.sops.secrets.invidious-rotator-env.path ]; }; }; }