{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: with lib; let user = "gitea"; host = "git.dtth.ch"; port = 61116; secrets = config.sops.secrets; signingKey = "0x3681E15E5C14A241"; catppuccinThemes = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/catppuccin/gitea/releases/download/v0.4.1/catppuccin-gitea.tar.gz"; hash = "sha256-/P4fLvswitlfeaKaUykrEKvjbNpw5Q/nzGQ/GZaLyUI="; }; staticDir = pkgs.runCommandLocal "forgejo-static" { } '' mkdir -p $out tmp=$(mktemp -d) cp -r ${config.services.forgejo.package.data}/* $tmp chmod -R +w $tmp # Copy icons install -m 0644 ${./gitea/img}/* $tmp/public/assets/img # Copy the themes env PATH=${pkgs.gzip}/bin:${pkgs.gnutar}/bin:$PATH \ tar -xvf ${catppuccinThemes} -C $tmp/public/assets/css cp -r $tmp/* $out ''; default-themes = "forgejo-auto, forgejo-light, forgejo-dark, gitea-auto, gitea-light, gitea-dark, forgejo-auto-deuteranopia-protanopia, forgejo-light-deuteranopia-protanopia, forgejo-dark-deuteranopia-protanopia, forgejo-auto-tritanopia, forgejo-light-tritanopia, forgejo-dark-tritanopia"; themes = strings.concatStringsSep ", " [ "catppuccin-macchiato-green" "catppuccin-mocha-teal" "catppuccin-macchiato-sky" "catppuccin-mocha-sky" "catppuccin-mocha-yellow" "catppuccin-mocha-lavender" "catppuccin-macchiato-rosewater" "catppuccin-macchiato-lavender" "catppuccin-macchiato-pink" "catppuccin-frappe-lavender" "catppuccin-macchiato-yellow" "catppuccin-frappe-yellow" "catppuccin-latte-red" "catppuccin-frappe-flamingo" "catppuccin-mocha-blue" "catppuccin-macchiato-peach" "catppuccin-macchiato-flamingo" "catppuccin-mocha-pink" "catppuccin-macchiato-mauve" "catppuccin-mocha-rosewater" "catppuccin-latte-rosewater" "catppuccin-mocha-red" "catppuccin-macchiato-sapphire" "catppuccin-latte-teal" "catppuccin-latte-flamingo" "catppuccin-macchiato-blue" "catppuccin-latte-blue" "catppuccin-latte-peach" "catppuccin-frappe-mauve" "catppuccin-frappe-green" "catppuccin-frappe-teal" "catppuccin-latte-mauve" "catppuccin-macchiato-teal" "catppuccin-frappe-red" "catppuccin-latte-yellow" "catppuccin-latte-lavender" "catppuccin-mocha-flamingo" "catppuccin-frappe-sapphire" "catppuccin-frappe-blue" "catppuccin-mocha-green" "catppuccin-frappe-maroon" "catppuccin-latte-green" "catppuccin-frappe-rosewater" "catppuccin-latte-sapphire" "catppuccin-frappe-sky" "catppuccin-mocha-sapphire" "catppuccin-mocha-maroon" "catppuccin-macchiato-red" "catppuccin-latte-pink" "catppuccin-frappe-peach" "catppuccin-frappe-pink" "catppuccin-mocha-mauve" "catppuccin-macchiato-maroon" "catppuccin-mocha-peach" "catppuccin-latte-sky" "catppuccin-latte-maroon" ]; in { users.users.${user} = { home = config.services.forgejo.stateDir; useDefaultShell = true; isSystemUser = true; group = user; }; users.groups.${user} = { }; sops.secrets."gitea/signing-key".owner = user; sops.secrets."gitea/minio-secret-key".owner = user; sops.secrets."gitea/mailer-password".owner = user; # database cloud.postgresql.databases = [ user ]; # traefik cloud.traefik.hosts.gitea = { inherit port host; noCloudflare = true; }; systemd.services.forgejo.requires = [ "postgresql.service" ]; services.forgejo = { enable = true; inherit user; settings = { server = { DOMAIN = host; ROOT_URL = "https://${host}/"; HTTP_ADDRESS = ""; HTTP_PORT = port; STATIC_ROOT_PATH = staticDir; }; repository = { DEFAULT_PRIVATE = "private"; PREFERRED_LICENSES = strings.concatStringsSep "," [ "AGPL-3.0-or-later" "GPL-3.0-or-later" "Apache-2.0" ]; # DISABLE_HTTP_GIT = true; DEFAULT_BRANCH = "master"; ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER = true; }; "repository.pull-request" = { DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE = "squash"; }; "repository.signing" = { SIGNING_KEY = signingKey; SIGNING_NAME = "DTTHgit"; SIGNING_EMAIL = "dtth-gitea@nkagami.me"; }; ui.THEMES = default-themes + "," + themes; "ui.meta" = { AUTHOR = "DTTHgit - Gitea instance for GTTH"; DESCRIPTION = "DTTHGit is a custom Gitea instance hosted for DTTH members only."; KEYWORDS = "git,gitea,dtth"; }; service = { DISABLE_REGISTRATION = true; ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true; ENABLE_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION = false; REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = true; }; "service.explore" = { REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = true; }; session = { COOKIE_SECURE = true; }; oauth2_client = { REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = false; ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION = true; }; mailer = { ENABLED = true; PROTOCOL = "smtps"; SMTP_ADDR = "mx1.nkagami.me"; SMTP_PORT = 465; USER = "dtth-gitea@nkagami.me"; FROM = "DTTHGit "; }; git = { PATH = "${pkgs.git}/bin/git"; }; storage = { STORAGE_TYPE = "minio"; MINIO_USE_SSL = "true"; MINIO_ENDPOINT = "60c0807121eb35ef52cdcd4a33735fa6.r2.cloudflarestorage.com"; MINIO_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "704c29ade7a8b438b77ab520da2799ca"; MINIO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "#miniosecretkey#"; MINIO_BUCKET = "dtth-gitea"; MINIO_LOCATION = "auto"; MINIO_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM = "md5"; # R2 moment }; federation.ENABLED = true; DEFAULT.APP_NAME = "DTTHGit"; }; stateDir = "/mnt/data/gitea"; mailerPasswordFile = secrets."gitea/mailer-password".path; database = { inherit user; createDatabase = false; type = "postgres"; socket = "/var/run/postgresql"; name = user; }; # LFS lfs.enable = true; # Backup # dump.enable = true; }; # Set up gpg signing key systemd.services.forgejo = { path = with pkgs; [ gnupg ]; environment.GNUPGHOME = "${config.services.gitea.stateDir}/.gnupg"; # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/93c1d370db28ad4573fb9890c90164ba55391ce7 serviceConfig.SystemCallFilter = mkForce "~@clock @cpu-emulation @debug @keyring @module @mount @obsolete @raw-io @reboot @setuid @swap"; preStart = let configFile = "${config.services.forgejo.customDir}/conf/app.ini"; in '' # Update minio secret key chmod u+w ${configFile} && \ ${lib.getExe pkgs.replace-secret} '#miniosecretkey#' '${config.sops.secrets."gitea/minio-secret-key".path}' '${configFile}' && \ chmod u-w ${configFile} # Import the signing subkey if cat ${config.services.forgejo.stateDir}/.gnupg/gpg.conf | grep -q ${signingKey}; then echo "Keys already imported" # imported else echo "Import your keys!" ${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg --quiet --import ${secrets."gitea/signing-key".path} echo "trusted-key ${signingKey}" >> ${config.services.forgejo.stateDir}/.gnupg/gpg.conf exit 1 fi ''; }; }