
220 lines
6.8 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
with lib;
lspConfig =
language_ids = {
c = "c_cpp";
cpp = "c_cpp";
javascript = "javascriptreact";
typescript = "typescriptreact";
protobuf = "proto";
sh = "shellscript";
language_servers = {
ccls = {
args = [ "-v=2" "-log-file=/tmp/ccls.log" ];
command = "ccls";
filetypes = [ "c" "cpp" ];
roots = [ "compile_commands.json" ".cquery" ".git" ];
gopls = {
command = "gopls";
filetypes = [ "go" ];
offset_encoding = "utf-8";
roots = [ "Gopkg.toml" "go.mod" ".git" ".hg" ];
settings = { gopls = { hoverKind = "SynopsisDocumentation"; semanticTokens = true; }; };
settings_section = "gopls";
haskell-language-server = {
args = [ "--lsp" ];
command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper";
filetypes = [ "haskell" ];
roots = [ "Setup.hs" "stack.yaml" "*.cabal" "package.yaml" ];
settings_section = "haskell";
texlab = {
command = "texlab";
filetypes = [ "latex" ];
roots = [ ".git" "main.tex" "all.tex" ];
settings_section = "texlab";
settings.texlab = {
build.executable = "latexmk";
build.args = [ "-pdf" "-shell-escape" "-interaction=nonstopmode" "-synctex=1" "%f" ];
build.forwardSearchAfter = true;
build.onSave = true;
forwardSearch = {
executable = "/Applications/";
args = [ "-r" "-g" "%l" "%p" "%f" ];
nil = {
command = "${pkgs.nil}/bin/nil";
filetypes = [ "nix" ];
roots = [ "flake.nix" "shell.nix" ".git" ];
settings.nil = {
formatting.command = [ "${getExe pkgs.nixpkgs-fmt}" ];
pyls = {
command = "pyls";
filetypes = [ "python" ];
offset_encoding = "utf-8";
roots = [ "requirements.txt" "" ".git" ".hg" ];
rust-analyzer = {
args = [ ];
command = "rust-analyzer";
filetypes = [ "rust" ];
roots = [ "Cargo.toml" ];
semantic_tokens.faces = [
## Items
# (Rust) Macros
{ face = "attribute"; token = "attribute"; }
{ face = "attribute"; token = "derive"; }
{ face = "macro"; token = "macro"; } # Function-like Macro
# Keyword and Fixed Tokens
{ face = "keyword"; token = "keyword"; }
{ face = "operator"; token = "operator"; }
# Functions and Methods
{ face = "function"; token = "function"; }
{ face = "method"; token = "method"; }
# Constants
{ face = "string"; token = "string"; }
{ face = "format_specifier"; token = "formatSpecifier"; }
# Variables
{ face = "variable"; token = "variable"; modifiers = [ "readonly" ]; }
{ face = "mutable_variable"; token = "variable"; }
{ face = "module"; token = "namespace"; }
{ face = "variable"; token = "type_parameter"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "enum"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "struct"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "trait"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "union"; }
{ face = "class"; token = "class"; }
## Comments
{ face = "documentation"; token = "comment"; modifiers = [ "documentation" ]; }
{ face = "comment"; token = "comment"; }
server = { timeout = 1800; };
snippet_support = false;
verbosity = 255;
languageServerOption = types.submodule {
options = {
filetypes = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = "The list of filetypes to assign the language to";
roots = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = "The list of root filenames that are used to determine the project root";
command = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "The LSP server command to be called.";
args = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [ ];
description = "The arguments passed onto the LSP server.";
offset_encoding = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr (types.enum [ "utf-8" ]);
default = null;
description = "The offset encoding used by the LSP server.";
settings_section = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = "The settings section to be sent to LSP server.";
settings = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr (types.attrsOf types.anything);
default = null;
description = "Additional settings to be passed to the LSP server.";
cfg = config.programs.kak-lsp;
options.programs.kak-lsp = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Enable kak-lsp support";
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.kak-lsp;
enableSnippets = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Enable snippet support";
semanticTokens.faces = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.anything;
default = lspConfig.semantic_tokens.faces;
description = "The semantic tokens faces mapping given to kak";
semanticTokens.additionalFaces = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.anything;
default = [ ];
description = "The semantic tokens faces mapping given to kak";
serverTimeout = mkOption {
type =;
default = 1000;
description = "Server timeout";
languageServers = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf languageServerOption;
default = { };
description = "The language options";
languageIds = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf types.str;
default = { };
description = "Language IDs to be sent to the LSP";
config = mkIf cfg.enable
home.packages = [ cfg.package ];
# Configurations
xdg.configFile."kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml" =
toml = pkgs.formats.toml { };
stripNulls = lib.filterAttrsRecursive (n: v: v != null);
source = toml.generate "config.toml"
semantic_tokens.faces = cfg.semanticTokens.faces ++ cfg.semanticTokens.additionalFaces;
server.timeout = cfg.serverTimeout;
snippet_support = cfg.enableSnippets;
verbosity = 255;
language_server = stripNulls (lspConfig.language_servers // cfg.languageServers);
language_ids = lspConfig.language_ids // cfg.languageIds;